Guys like cheap stuff.
That something looks the parts, has the right numbers/specs, is supposed to be compatible so it can be upgraded later...all for less than other options....that appeal is irresistable for many. I fall under that spell all the time (but usually don't end up keeping them for's just an itch to scratch)
Even though I have some decent stuff...I still oogle/lust over the new releases from any manufacturer.
IMO...there's always the potential for a jewel in the rough to be found. Some "cheapo" guns are actually built quite decently (externals) and with just a little bit of work (internals) they can be champs.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with going with a "cheapo" "lowend" brand. It might work forever (or at least as long as you need it to)...or it might die right away (even some good guns do that too).
Just don't go into anything to do with airsoft expecting that it'll work perfectly. Expect that it won't...and work up from there.