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Old November 15th, 2012, 22:44   #6
callmemario's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: Laval, Qc.
"Tokyo Marui Hi-capa series" OMG!! just checked them out. They are super nice looking but way too realistic looking. I will never be able to get something like this across the Canadian Border??!...or is it available somewhere in Canada?


Originally Posted by MaciekA View Post
There aren't going to be any airsoft pistols that meet your criteria since airsoft guns can only be so accurate, and if you want accuracy, you should get yourself a pellet gun.

However if you want extremely good airsoft pistols that have good accuracy, best resale value, and the most aftermarket parts for upgrades/modifications, you should try the Tokyo Marui Hi-capa series. They're hard to match.

You won't be told where to buy one until you get age verified. The age-verified classifieds on this site have TM pistols up pretty much every day of the entire year. Crazy deals to be had.
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