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Old November 19th, 2012, 12:42   #1637
GBB Whisperer
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Originally Posted by kar120c View Post
I want to upgrade my TM DW to full metal using one of these kits
Because my DW has a 4.3 barrel the only things I must buy is the internal barrel, right? hop up rubber and hop up chamber are the same of the 1911/Meu? and so i the blow back unit?
You have most of it right, except the blowback unit. The blowback unit found on the MEU is a bit different from all other Marui 1911/Hi-Capa series blowback units. You will need an MEU blowback unit before you can fit the rear sight from any of these Hurricane kits to the gun.

You will also need to acquire an MEU firing pin retention plate. The Desert Warrior doesn't come with this, and this part in general is rare to find. I've been trying to get my hands on spares for a while, with no luck.

You will also need a barrel bushing, a spring plug, and a recoil spring guide. The Desert Warrior uses a bull barrel system with a full length recoil rod, so all of this needs to be swapped out.

Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
Yes your Desert Warrior 4.3 *IS* a 1911, so it would fit just fine. And like you said you'd need to buy the longer barrel. (and maybe recoil rod)
The Tokyo Marui Desert Warrior 4.3 is a 1911... and it isn't. It's a hybrid. The bottom part is a 1911... and the top part is a full out Hi-Capa 4.3.

Originally Posted by kar120c View Post
Thanks a lot, I am forgiving about the recoil rod. Another doubt, the bushing is the same of the DW?
The Desert Warrior does not come with a barrel bushing. It uses a straight barrel setup. You will need to acquire a barrel bushing, as well as a locking spring plug to interface with it.

Last edited by ILLusion; November 19th, 2012 at 12:47..
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