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Old December 20th, 2012, 16:29   #1668
e-luder's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Centre Mass
Actually the slide seems pretty brand new....

It doesn't jam when I manually rack the slide but when the gun fires sometimes it jams. And yes. The only way it will unjam is if I push the barrel in towards the rear.

The locking lugs weren't even broken in yet. I took the dremmel out and rounded off their corners and the corners on the lugs on the barrel as well. And low and behold, it cycles normally now. But once in a while it still jams.

I suppose it just needed to get a bit of ware in there...

Another question though. Is there a way to fit a BBU into this stupid Guarder slide with minimal modification? I'm looking at this thing now and I don't really want to cut one of the prongs off (which is apparently what needs to be done according to various airsoft forums) just get it to fit into an already problematic slide. Plus the BBU is brand new and I don't really have the heart to butcher it just yet...
"May you fight with the strength of ten full grown men."
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