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Old December 20th, 2012, 21:39   #1669
e-luder's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Centre Mass

After many hours of working on the stupid gun, I've finally diagnosed the issue. It's actually the little nub on the hop unit that pushes the barrel up or releases it from the tilt.

Turns out this particular barrel is not really compatible with the Marui hop up unit. The little nub pushes the outer barrel too high up and is causing the jam. Even though the barrel is not suppose to be tilting, the ramp on the barrel that the little nub rests on was too proud and is always bringing up the height in which the barrel rests and thus causing a continuous lock with the lugs on the slide.

5 minutes of dremmel work fixed hours of testing....<sigh>.
"May you fight with the strength of ten full grown men."
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