Originally Posted by ILLusion
What metal barrel are you using? I can only recommend matching same manufacturer barrels to slide. Even still, the few times I've matched a Guarder barrel to a Guarder slide, there were still cycling issues that needed fixing. Guarder Hi-Capa slides are pure crap.
I actually don't know what make the barrel is. But judging from the look of it, it looks like a stock WE 4.3 cone outer barrel. It has that weird silver finish to it and the thread adapter that most WE guns come with these days.
The fact the outer barel is a WE one is, in itself, THE problem. Coupled with the Guarder slide.
At this point i think it may be wise to replace the barrel and slide altogether.
The only 100% reliable way to fix this, is to use a fixed barrel option, like the ILLusion Kinetics outer barrel.
Does it come in a 4.3 length?
However, depending on what brand outer barrel you have there, if it's a two piece model, I've figured out a hack/fix that's worked well all of the times I've done it. It involves creating a spring loaded assembly between the inner barrel and the chamber. The purpose, is to force the barrel to tilt back in it's natural state. This ensures the chamber is always lowered and clear of the slide. When the slide returns to battery, it will push the barrel back in to battery. As the slide moves backwards, the barrel will follow the slide back. With this method, even if your lugs are completely smoked, it's still functional. When doing this, make sure the spring strength does not overcome the recoil spring strength, or the slide won't return to battery completely.
Hmm. Does it only work on a two piece system? I'm trying to picture what you mean here but it seems like a complicated fabrication of machinery...
Any BBU will fit - you just have to clip the prong off, which is a required installation step, as per the manufacturer:
Those are instructions directly from Intrudershop. All retailers should be including this information with the product information. Unfortunately, many do not.
Most people buy the slide and blindly shove their blowback units in, which is why you see so many mangled BBU's with these slides with complaints of cycling issues. They're just not being installed properly. Or... the slides just weren't engineered properly to begin with. :P
Yeah that's exactly what happened here, it seems like. the person actually did the modd correctly but at the same time, he ended up breaking the right prong where the T-bar glides along when he went to put the BBU back in. Hence, why I bought a new one off you.
Once you clip that prong off, the BBU is useless with any other brand of slide.
...which is why I was hesitant in the first place to do the mod.
I wonder what the purpose of this is though... I don't really see what the thought is on engineering something like this. I mean, that prong helps guide the loading muzzle, does it not? So I would assume that one would design something what doesn't require such a permanent modd on a important part....