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Old December 26th, 2012, 17:47   #1673
GBB Whisperer
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Originally Posted by e-luder View Post
I actually don't know what make the barrel is. But judging from the look of it, it looks like a stock WE 4.3 cone outer barrel. It has that weird silver finish to it and the thread adapter that most WE guns come with these days.
Creation barrels also have this threaded end. It's a two-piece barrel, with the front being a CNC machined aluminum with a fairly bright finish, and a die-cast zinc-aluminum chamber which has a more dull finish. The differences in finish look weird, but it makes it obvious how it was manufactured to keep costs low.

Originally Posted by e-luder View Post
Does it come in a 4.3 length?
Yes, absolutely. The ILLusion Kinetics barrel does come in a 4.3 length bull barrel. I have a few in stock right now.

Originally Posted by e-luder View Post
Hmm. Does it only work on a two piece system? I'm trying to picture what you mean here but it seems like a complicated fabrication of machinery...
Yes, you need a two-piece setup to create this spring loaded mechanism. It's basically a replication of the Marui Detonics spring loading system, or if you want to go further back, you can look at many of the Western Arms setups that also use a spring loading mechanism to automatically tilt the barrel back. It does require the use of a spring, some sort of a spring guide/base, and a retention mechanism to hold the spring against the inner barrel. One of my pistols with a Shooters Design SS two piece outer barrel set in it has such a setup in it. However, it's in storage right now, so I can't take a photo of the mechanism for you. I'll see if I can get it back some time soon, and take a photo for you.

I could take a photo of the Detonics setup for you, so you can get an idea of how the system is arranged. You can then replicate it yourself if you're handy enough.

For the time, effort, and trouble... I find it easier to do the one-piece "fixed" barrels, although, the action is not as realistic.

Originally Posted by e-luder View Post
I wonder what the purpose of this is though... I don't really see what the thought is on engineering something like this. I mean, that prong helps guide the loading muzzle, does it not? So I would assume that one would design something what doesn't require such a permanent modd on a important part....
It beats me, and to be honest, I don't think there is actually a "purpose" for it, as far as practicality for the end user. I think the only purpose for it, is because it was just cheaper and easier for them to do it this way, as it lowers manufacturing costs. The less complications there are, the cheaper it is. Sadly, MOST of the Guarder slides require some sort of destructive modification like this. Their P226 setup is notoriously crap, as it requires you to file down the sides of the blowback unit.... :smack:
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