Originally Posted by e-luder
The Creation ones still has a nicer finish than what I have though...
This is mine...
*image snip*
It's duller. I find the Creation the barrels are OK at best. BUt they are too light for my liking. Plus they wear fast..
My current barrel "works" more or less. But it just "floats" now since it doesn't actually lock unto anything nor does it tilt. But once in a while, it will still jam.
Ah... yeah... I have no idea what brand that is. I haven't seen that brand before.
It looks soft (the material, that is).
Originally Posted by e-luder
I'll be PM'ing you soon. I'd rather get a barrel that can fix my issues once and for all.
It's still not a direct drop in fit. I think I mentioned earlier, that you will still need to do a few mods to get it to function well with a Guarder slide (yay, Guarder). Specifically, a flat needs to be filed in to the recoil rod bushing.
Originally Posted by e-luder
Alternatively though, I've managed to source out the Airsoft Surgeon ones but they cost an arm and a leg to get. THey have the "economy" one but I feel like it will be too light since it's made out of aluminium. Plus everyone is always sold out of the 4.3 version in both their aluminum and stainless versions.
Is there any discernable difference between IK's fixed barrel and AS's stainless versions other than markings?
Only the markings are different. They come from the same factory. A few of the ILLusion Kinetics barrels also have round indicator notches cut in to them as well, or may have threaded adapters for silenceres.
Originally Posted by e-luder
one thing also, since these barrels "glide" over the locking lugs, does the slide actually rock back fourth on return? To my understanding, the lugs are suppose to prevent this,right?
That's incorrect. The lugs are there to allow the slide to interface with the barrel. The lugs act as teeth to grab on to the barrel to pull it backwards for the tilt cycle.
I'm not sure what you mean by the slide "rocking back and forth on return".
Originally Posted by e-luder
I thought that spring only centers the inner barrel. I never thought it actually had anything to do with the tilt of the barel...
When you see it in action, if you try to pull the inner barrel out the back of the outer barrel and let go, it will spring back forward. That's the action. The hop up chamber and inner barrel are fixed in place in the gun. The outer barrel moves, and the spring mechanism forces the natural position of the outer barrel to be tilted back and down.
Originally Posted by e-luder
In any case, that seems a bit hard to replicate. One thing that already jumps out at me is that spring stopper thingy near the hop up. I can probably fashion a piece but accommodating it seems to require a bit of ingenuity.
You wouldn't be replicating it directly. That spring base interfaces with a lock hole in the Detonics outer barrel. You won't see this in other outer barrels for longer lengths, unless you cut it in yourself... and you'd need to cut its location very precisely. This is why the two-piece barrel setups are easier to do a similar mod. With the outer barrel removed, you'd install the inner barrel assembly first. Then, you fabricate the mechanism to the inner barrel and have it press against the chamber.
But... if you decide to do the Detonics method, I have a few of the spring bases on hand. I bought a few, including the spring and o-ring, to replicate this exactly for a few test setups. The hardest part I've found, is locating the lock hole for the base.
Originally Posted by e-luder
also, cutting a notch for the O-ring on the inner barrel...
Not necessary. I just use a thick wind of tape to retain the spring.
Originally Posted by e-luder
I assume, any spring will do on your version? The one on the detonics pictured above seems like it has a wider end near the hop unit.
I've tried looking for this mod on ASC but to no avail...
Nevertheless, this is a pretty smart idea to implement on a longer Marui barrel set up...
I just use old stock recoil springs. The inner diameter just barely fits this inner barrel, so you do need to open the coils a bit wider for free movement.