You wouldn't be replicating it directly. That spring base interfaces with a lock hole in the Detonics outer barrel. You won't see this in other outer barrels for longer lengths, unless you cut it in yourself... and you'd need to cut its location very precisely. This is why the two-piece barrel setups are easier to do a similar mod. With the outer barrel removed, you'd install the inner barrel assembly first. Then, you fabricate the mechanism to the inner barrel and have it press against the chamber.
But... if you decide to do the Detonics method, I have a few of the spring bases on hand. I bought a few, including the spring and o-ring, to replicate this exactly for a few test setups. The hardest part I've found, is locating the lock hole for the base.
So I finally got around to doing this before I left to go far far away from Kingston...
Here's how it looks:
The spring mechanism....
I made it like how the Marui Five-Se7en outer barrels and recoil springs mounts with a rubber stopper inside the spring base..
I must say, the results are astounding. The slide was giving me issues even with this stock plastic outer barrel. Now, it jams no more... Good test run!
I can see why you'd need the two piece system. Drilling the holes on this is pretty hard in itself.
The hardest part was actually finding a damn screw to lock the spring base and outbarrel together...
Only the markings are different. They come from the same factory. A few of the ILLusion Kinetics barrels also have round indicator notches cut in to them as well, or may have threaded adapters for silenceres.
One last thing about this, this barrel is compatible with any slide, correct? I don't foresee any problems marrying it to other brand slides since it won't touch the lugs at all.
Or would you recommend I acquire a matching Illusion Kinetics slide as well?
EDIT: After hours of testing, I found that the spring base wasn't needed to for keeping the spring from pressing on the hop up unit. I cheated and just drilled four holes around the chamber and used the screws to hold the spring in place. It works more or less. The way I understood it is that the hop up unit is suppose to spring back when I pull it apart from the barrel. This method does the job and also centers the inner barrel using the four screw...kind of.
I find that as long as the spring interfaces with the outer barrel, it creates that "springiness" that i need to pull the barrel. Though, I imagine this will probably be harder to achieve on a metal barrel...