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Old January 5th, 2013, 08:46   #1680
Join Date: Jan 2013
Originally Posted by ILLusion View Post
- Why go with an extended slide release if the slide does not even lock back?

- The Dytac glow sights suck huge nuts. If you want something more effective, get Nitesiters if you must have glow in the dark capability. If not, Daysiters are more effective in almost all situations where there is available light.

- Use both the hammer and recoil spring
- I like Airsoft Surgeon or Shooters Design POM nozzles
- Good luck finding a TK Twist barrel in the 4.3 length. If you can find any, let me know. I've never found any, but would like one.

B) The only other cheaper option to the AS non-tilting barrel, are the light weight Nine Ball aluminum fixed barrels... but again, good luck finding one in 4.3. As far as I know, they aren't even in production.
Beyond that, the only other option, are the ILLusion Kinetics barrels, but dollar to dollar, it's a bit more. Factor in shipping costs, taxes, etc, and ILLusion Kinetics barrels come out to be cheaper.
so, 6.03mm nine ball it will be then
its just difficult to justify $100.00 for an outer barrel (crazy would be a better word, as that's more than 1/2 the cost of a new TM extreme)
so I guess a tilting barrel for now, or maybe just the threaded on front part

I have been having trouble finding fiber optic sights for a 4.3, that's w hy I was going to settle on the dytac glo sights
but if you, or anyone knows of an adjustable set of fiber sights for a 4.3 please, by all means let me know (my google-fu seems to be weak this am)
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