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Old January 7th, 2013, 10:25   #1
canabubba's Avatar
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Winnipeg
Suggestions for team armbands

Hey guys

I run an all-age club here in Manitoba, and would like your suggestions on team armbands.

For the spoilers:
First - Yes, they are necessary.....our members have every kind of camo immaginable, some show up in t-shirts and jeans, etc, so there's no way to split teams by camo.

Second - Yes, I know that in "Real Life" armies don't use armbands, but this is make-believe.....airsoft, you know? We're not that hardcore.

Anyway......We're going to need somewhere in the neghborhood of 200 of them, so buying them for $4 each from online retailers is pretty much out of the question.

I have sent some requests to industrial rubber-band manufacturers for bands roughly 10-12 inches around, and and inch and a half wide, in various colors.....we'll see what they come back with.

We've been using duct tape, but that shit's expensive, and we'll go through $30 worth in a day (we can get over 100 guys out to each game, every other weekend, spring to fall.)

For the teams who DO use armbands, what's your solution?
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