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Old February 22nd, 2013, 17:08   #8
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Update: I have now experienced first-hand the shattyness of Magic Box Parts.

The piston is also useless.
It has a gap between the Piston's molded teeth and the Steel Teeth of the rack insert, which means the sector gear actually goes over a noticeable bump as it travels along due to it engaging the first metal tooth at a weird angle.

I'm going to try and sand down the front nub of the piston to see if that allows me to move the rack further back and see if that fixes the gap. If I can't get the piston to work, I might have to throw that down too.

This seriously blows. Never buying MB again, after seeing the tolerances on this crap. I'm considering replacing the cylinder with a Lonex M14 Cylinder, just to have compatibility with the Piston Head, but I'm pretty pissed at these parts.

They're simply not worth the money. Not sure why everyone on other forums were so piss-happy about them.
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