Thread: Buying KWA LM4
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Old April 11th, 2013, 19:57   #16
Danneichh's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Shelburne, Ontario, Canada
Thanks! I'll have to have a look at that video when I get home. I've tightened the release valvs, which seemed to be the problem on all four. Two worked perfectly after, one started leaking from the fill valve, and the last one now leaks from both valves. :s Airsoft Taiwan you say? I'll check them out. What is it you need to do exactly to change the hopup? And I would have done the bolt catch mod, but I neither have the tools nor the skill with a dremel to tackle that thing. I will probably buy STANAGS now anyways. I made my LM4 geared towards a Marines type loadout, and I would rather have STANAGS. I just couldn't findbthem anywhere six months ago.
Primary: KWA LM4 PTR, Classic Army LWRC M6 A2, Classic Army G36E, AGM/Javelin MP44.

Secondary: KWA Mk. 4 1911, KWA Mac 11, Skeleton Sidearms 8" .357 revolver.

Last edited by Danneichh; April 11th, 2013 at 19:59..
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