Originally Posted by audi_bhoy
Did you cut the selector plate properly?
On my side, currently waiting for my GEN 3 to come in, the one that all fits in the gearbox with the empty mag hop-up unit, can't wait to see how it goes !!
Im picking one up for my new build as well, imo they copied the raptor microswitch design and the hopup unit thing sounds gimmicky but if the hopup detection thing fails ill just install the unit alone lol
Current Lineup:
VFC HK416 Custom
Custom Bowie Tactical x SAI Glock 17 (TM Base),
Custom SAI BLU Glock Build (Timberwolf Base)
Custom Zev Noveske Shooting Team Glock 34
Project Guns
Custom Zev Dragonfly G17 (Project) (In progress)