Thread: how serious?
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Old April 23rd, 2013, 12:43   #58
Brian McIlmoyle
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Toronto
This is usually how it shakes out.. New guy comes in .. says you are all too serious.. wearing all the gear and stuff.. "ill never do that" then he gets into the game a bit.. and sees that having the gear that is designed for the job ( even if it's for fun) helps in doing the job. and wearing jeans.. kinda sucks when they get wet.

The a switch goes of in his head.. and he turns into the biggest geardo you ever saw.. and next thing he knows he's selling his guitar and amp to buy NVG.
Brian McIlmoyle
TTAC3 Director
CAPS Range Officer
Toronto Downtown Age Verifier


If the tongue could cut as the sword does, the dead would be infinite
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