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Old April 23rd, 2013, 14:31   #1737
GBB Whisperer
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Location: Toronto
Originally Posted by Artyrules View Post
I am new to working with GBB's. A buddy gave me his G&G Xtreme 45 GBB to take a look at. With a fresh CO2 cartridge it will fire about 14 rds then the slide will fail to cock the hammer. Manually cock the hammer and it will get 3-5 shots off. eventually the slide will not cock the hammer every time. If the gun sits for 5-10 mins using the same mag the cycle will basically start over again. is this a cool down issue and if so is there a fix.
Sorry, I'm completely unfamiliar with that gun. As the title of this thread indicates, this thread is focused only on Tokyo Marui 1911/2011 variants, and only loosely covers clones.

As far as I understand it, the G&G 1911 series isn't anywhere close to being a clone of the Marui platform... it's not even a decent replica of the real thing. At best, it *might* be a clone of a Para Ordnance High Capacity.

But from what it sounds like, you are suffering from massive cool down issues. My best guess would be that you have a major leak in the system somewhere. Check the nozzle, piston head, and floating valve. Like I said, I'm not familiar with this system at all, so I don't even know how it operates inside - particularly, being an NBB.
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