Originally Posted by misomalu
I suppose I'm a little late, but I would have recommend going with an Inokatsu or Viper tech GBBR, they are irrefutibly better than WE. They do everything the WE's can do, except about a thousand times better, more recoil, more versatility, more reliability, and hell, even more FPS if you really want it...
To be honest, I used to be a WE fan boy especially with their M4/M16 platform. However, after owning a Viper tech, it makes me want to get rid of all my WE gbbrs for the following reasons:
1. Recoil is much greater on the viper tech
2. No need for any internal upgrades, as all hammer/trigger components are all steel and look stunning. I hate upgrading to after market parts as it impacts the entire dynamics/function of the system.
3. The externals from the outer barrel to the receiver sets is stunning, no more pot metal shit. If you seen the finish and weight of a Vipertech outer barrel, it feels just like the RS counterpart
4. The sound acoustics, trigger pull, and weight of the recoil on my viper tech makes my RS WE build seem like a water gun.
5. Gas efficiency is much higher, is not affected as much by the cool down effect seen on the WE platform. I use all protein v2 mags.
6. No issues with hop up been finicky or bolt catch not catching. Viper tech works flawlessly out of the box. It is so much more reliable.
7. The price of vipertech is between $500 to $700usd. I picked up a used one for $300 cad. You don't need a $1k inokatso. You just need to know where to look. In fact, I prefer the vipertech over ino as they're much cheaper. Prowin mags work, g&p mags work, king arms mag works. No need to buy the more expensive prowin mags (although they are the best).
I know the WE system pretty well and haven't had major problems as a lot of people described. All my WE guns work perfectly so im not one of those unfortunate/complaining users who dont know how to operate a WE. But based on performance and reliability, I still have to go with vipertech.
If anyone is interested I can make a side by side comparison between the WE and the viper tech to show the differences. If i was to ver build an m4 gbbr, it would definitely be based on Vipertech platform, hands down. Once you feel and fire vipertech, you would never go back to WE, I guarantee you