G&G G96 game play experience
Just had a game on sunday that I used the G&G G96 for the first time. First off, chrono. I was worried about this, as all videos I've seen show it shooting WAY too high. My first mag, (fifteen shots) ALL around 400 fps +- 5fps on propane. Spent an hour or two at the field mucking with the hop-up and found out it kept shooting hard left. Figured it was just the wind, as it was fairly windy. Also noticed that during game, I couldnt seem to get a bb past 50 to maybe 80 feet. In retrospect, using my teammate's .25's was stupid but i was having an off day with my brand new G&G CM16 Raider not working so I wasn't thinking about that, will remember to use higher weight ammo. Aside from that, I discovered a MAJOR problem: After taking the rifle home and pulling it apart right down to it's bones, I discovered the bloody inner barrel is BENT. Rolled it across the floor which i KNOW is flat and the barrel had a slight hesitation as it rolled. It'd roll, slow down, then roll forward again. It's slight, but enough to completely botch ANY shot. Will need a new barrel.
Secondly, the hop up is just a small rubber patch siting on top of the barrel, and the hop up nub is a metal ball bearing under a spring that's pushed down by a rotating wheel just above the barrel, mounted to the rail assembly for the scope. Will likely replace that as well.
Question is, what is best? Some say VS-10 hop up and pdi barrel? Just want to know if that's optimal and what will need to be done to prepare the new parts to fit the rifle ie modding anything like that.