Thread: AKstravaganza!
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Old May 12th, 2013, 05:49   #419
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Toronto, Ontario
Shit... You should have to an impression of a Russian cop with a 45 rounder. Because nobody else but them uses AKSU these days. I fired the SU. SU is really, I mean really loud, you fire 5 round burst in the room and people will go deaf... It has a kick and inaccurate past pistol range on semi. Things will fly really far but hitting stuff your are aiming at is big problem with that gun. Actually, one of it's names back home is "Suchka" - "Bitch". I guess those tank/helo crews didn't come up with it for no reason. So no 45 rd mags for it unless some cop stashed one or two after Chechen tour. Or a stupid bank robber

P.S cooney, Rea Alliance still sells those K/C patches ?

Last edited by 666; May 12th, 2013 at 06:14..
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