Originally Posted by OM3GA
All aeg barrels are cut the same with the exception of the PSG1 and PTW's, when it says for m14 it's referring to length. A 500mm barrel is usually referred to as a "standard" m14 barrel.
The window's them selves may be cut different but the only time that really matters is when you are doing an rhop mod.
Prommy isn't your only option either, almost all companies that make inners make a 550mm but prommy barrels are awesome.
This is not accurate. The M14 cut doesn't only refer to the length but more importantly the cut on the barrel for fitting into the Hop up itself. (the cuts that your c-clip locks into) The hop up rubber on an M14 is much shorter than a standard AEG
I have placed several inner barrels side by side (next to the M14) and the cuts on the M14 barrel are in a different location than the other barrels.
I need a specific M14 inner barrel at 570MM (or longer) or i'll just have to leave it stock. Im not going from 570MM down to 509.. otherwise why did i buy the full length M14..
i think it's kinda stupid that CYMA made an inner barrel that is not made by any other manufacturer..oh well.. the stock CYMA barrel is not bad .. it's a 6.04 tight-bore with a nice looking crown. It will just have to do i guess