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Old June 7th, 2013, 16:33   #16
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Location: Orillia, Ontario
Originally Posted by ZackTheRipperC View Post
As well, out of curiosity, how much does trade engraving cost, and where would I be able to get it done within the GTA?
Imperial Engravers is the place to get it done, it is $100 for laser etchings and powder coat and $140 for engraving and powder coat.

As for the specifics of a MK18 what everyone has said is pretty much right on. I actually made mention of this in another thread so I'll just quote myself.

Originally Posted by OM3GA View Post
The CQB-R is the original variant of the 10.3" (cut down colt 14.5" barrel) rifle based off of an M4A1 with parts swapped so it is essentially converted from an A1. The most notable difference is the use of the standard car stock. The MK18 (NSW designation) was developed as a stand alone platform built from the ground up. The MK18mod0 utilizes an M4 CQB-R upper on an M16 lower and an LMT sopmod stock instead of the car stock found on the CQB-R. The rest of the parts are pretty much the same.

Where things get noticeable different and more complicated is the MK18mod1 (technically the wrong name as it is the SOPMOD Block II kit for the CQB-R) it uses a Colt upper, Colt M4 lower Colt 10.3" barrel, Mk12 gas block, KAC flash suppressor, KAC M4 QD sound suppressor, FDE DD Mk18 RIS II, LMT SOPMOD or other issued stock, CQD sling attachment plate, and a black A2 grip. With the "MK18 mod1" because it is based off the SOPMOD Block II kit it can be seen used on an M16 or M4 lower.
There has some been some debate thrown around about specifics because parts are changed around and left overs are used but for the most part this is fairly accurate. There is also a mix of LMT uppes that were thrown in at one point so some of these rifles have a 10.5" barrel. Now Daniel Defense is supplying MK18 uppers as well, they too use a 10.3"

For all intensive purposes though these specifics aren't all that important, like Drake said get a WE m4 CQB-r and you are almost there. You can then change out the rail to a RIS II if you want, and then slap what ever stock you want on. A real B5 sopmod would be a cool choice.

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