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Old August 10th, 2013, 14:49   #1
Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: Mississauga
Replacing Handgaurd with RIS

First off, I'm a newbie and don't know a lot when it comes to modifying guns. So... I really want to be able to attach things onto my rail like a grip and flashlight so I want to put like a quad rail or free float rail on but I don't know if it's possible.

My delta ring is kind of weird and has no barrel nut (idk what it's called, but the thing with teeth going around it.)

Mine looks like this:

What it's supposed to look like:

I don't know why mine is like that, maybe because its cheap? lol

But what I do want to know is, how can I put a rail system on.

Can I just buy one of those drop in systems and attach it?
- For a drop in system, don't I need that thing with the teeth so it stays in place?

Can I buy a free float system and attach it?
- Will I just need to cut the whole delta ring off?
- Will I need to take my front sight off?

Also, if I need to take off my front sight, how do I do that? I have looked in videos and I saw people taking some pins out of the two bottom holes, but mine didn't come with any in:

Thank you so much for your help!
I'm still a huge newb and am still learning!

Last edited by daveyster; August 10th, 2013 at 14:56..
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