Getting rid of the black mask might help. Our eyes are trained to look for shadows and dark spots when scanning tree lines.
If you are used to fast paced cqb, maybe you are advancing too quickly?
Also staying behind teammates is handy. Take cover when the first guy in your group yells hit.
I'm not that great at airsoft outside. But if I stay a few meters back from other players I tend to stay alive longer.
Also taking longer more ridiculous routes to known enemy positions or bases can be boring and tedious but can sometimes pay off.
Making no noise while walking is sometimes very difficult. If you see oblivious enemies walking your way. Just stop and crouch. Any further movement will probably make enough
sound to be detected.
What I have found is that people have different playing styles and personal goals while in a game. Some people like to get tons of kills. Some people like to role play survival and
only kill when necessary. Some people like to experience good communication in a milsim style game where teamwork means more than kills. Some people like to lone wolf it up
some tree and sit there for an hour. And some people just like to stand by their car and look cool holding expensive shit.
It's best to find what you want out of the sport, and think about what you need to do get it.
So for example. If you are into survival. Maybe you will get more fun out of staying hidden, and choosing not to shoot at the enemy at all until a better opportunity is available.
You may only get 1 kill the entire game. But if no one seen you at all, it could be worth it if that's what you want.
If on the other hand you want to be an aggressor and attempt to dominate the field. It should be expected that you will get shot may times.
Last edited by Ross; August 19th, 2013 at 21:02..