I don't see the problem honestly. You can buy a TM pistol for 280 bucks now. Sure, its plastic. But the thing lasts, and shoots great.
Buy a WE pistol. How long until it breaks? How well does it perform? Is the hundred bucks you're saving really worth it? The repairs that follow will eventually lead, and exceed the cost of what you're paying for a TM gun.
I've used WE pistols, I've used KJW and multiple other 'cheap' brands because I couldn't be bothered to pay that extra amount, and I end up wasting money down the line just to repair the damn things. I wouldn't say they're comparable unless you get one of those rare lemon-immune guns that somehow last forever. I wouldn't even classify them as comparable.
And whenever we get pistols on the workbench here... it always turns up to be a 'cheap alternative'.
I stick to TM and KWA/KSC for my sidearms now, You pay extra, but you pay for peace of mind and durability. I haven't regretted it.