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Old September 20th, 2013, 19:13   #139
GBB Whisperer
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Originally Posted by hattrick View Post
...even the "legendary" tm 5.1 had a problem upon first release iirc (propane blowing out the bbu or something i don't remember)
That was because of the piston head o-ring design that they used. It had a bad tendency to blow out of its track when using propane, which caused a host of problems. This was quickly fixed with the piston head "cup" design that is still in use today. I still have a few of those old piston heads lying around. It's a nice piece of history on a Tokyo Marui screw up.

Tanio Koba was pretty quick to respond to that first issue, by releasing an aftermarket piston cup, which didn't really hold up well to propane use either. I have a number of torn TK Piston Cups here, but they did work better than the original piston heads, and was a decent band-aid solution till the H-43-26~27 piston cup design came out.

In regards to the "recall", thanks for the link. Reading through it, there is no mention of a recall at all, and it looks more like a troubleshooting QA that claims most of the problems encountered are due to user error. In almost all instances of problems, their answer pretty much looks to be a generic "RTFM".

As for the discussion about cheaper clones... they can go right ahead and clone the Marui M870 in its current state, but if there is in fact an engineering flaw in the design, then these clone companies will do exactly that: Clone the problems. Keep in mind, that R&D budgets for clone companies are literally $0. If there's a problem, they won't immediately look in to fixing it.

Also, I doubt they'll be able to clone and release a product within a 4 month time span. 8 year old Chinese child labour is fast, but it's not THAT fast.... or maybe it is. Get an entire village of children working in a sweatshop... I'm sure their nimble little fingers can move quickly. They move quicker when you threaten denial of a bowl of rice, or just plain whip them harder. LOL

Last edited by ILLusion; September 20th, 2013 at 19:23..
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