I agree, I shop locally for guns and pistols, not just because it's already in canada, passed custom, duty paid~ hassle free! even though i have to paid a little extra on top but come to think of it... I don't have to wait for the shipping, I can walk in, point finger, and pick up what i want and play with it right away~
I've tried order online before, took 2 month to get to me, and with currency conversion and shipping + the lovely tax. how much do I really save?
and! what happen if I got a broken gun? the shop I deal with offer me exchange no question ask or even refund! and after i become a regular shopper, they pretty much offer me better price!
but i still do shop online~ for accessories or parts that are not carried here!~
then again... the shop i deal offer to help me order with their dealer discount!
to me~ a good retailer will do everything to keep a good on going relationship!!
so i'm all for local businesses!!!!