^ what he said
The RPK isn't an LMG, the LMG36 although just a prototype still wasn't an LMG, the IAR isn't an LMG, the M1918 BAR isn't an LMG
What do they all have in common?
They're all labelled "support weapons" in that they're all designed to deliver more rounds down range than a conventional rifle. That doesn't mean they're machineguns, it just means they can support more full auto fire than a conventional rifle.
Often times, a support weapon will just be a conventional rifle fitted with a heavier barrel, as is the case with the C7 LSW and LMG36
Why did I include the M1918 BAR?
Because it is to the M1 garand what the RPK is to the AK-47 and the STG44 was to the KAR98. A heavier rifle designed to put more rounds down range, not a purpose built machine gun.
What makes a gun a purpose built LMG?
-belt fed
-quick change barrel
-fires from open bolt
Also, the IAR is mag fed only, so realistically you'd have to carry around 22 lowcaps or something ridiculous. I don't see the idea flying simply because you have to carry so many damn mags with the real steel version.