Originally Posted by Ricochet
Almost any modern kydex will suit. Serpa, Blade-Tech, Uncle Mike's, Safariland, etc. Most quality airsoft pistols are 1:1, and I recommend Tokyo Marui. It really depends on the pistol you want though.
Systema guns were engineered around training and not airsoft. They have the best performance and realism, feel wise anyways, as they have no kick. Not that GBBRs offer much. They are also expensive, worth the money if you have it, but expensive.
I've read that although the Tokyo Marui's are highly accurate and consistent, that they're not 1:1, and aren't as durable as KSC's, but I'm knew in the airsoft game, so I could be wrong. From what I've read on particular sites though, the TM's don't like RS holsters, while the KSC's fit perfectly. Apparently the KSC's also have a much more complex hop-up system than the TM's, and the TM's hop-up works better because of its simplicity, but again, I don't know for sure.
As far as Systema goes, eventually, I want to work my way to one. I've currently got the WE G17 as mentioned before, but also a G&G Top Tech TM4 CQB-H, which I think works awesome for the time being, but just starting out, I think anything would give that impression on me. How do the offerings of Inokatsu compare to Systema? Apparently the Inokatsu AR's and 1911's are almost indistinguishable from their real steel variants until fired, but again, only hearsay to me.