Originally Posted by Kokanee
I would be happy to produce a polymer version if I was given the files. 3D print a master copy and cast production versions in resin polymer (high strength)
The part has been reuploaded on to Shapeways..
Your welcome Kokanee, if you can't wait and want to start making the casts. I will still try to get the file from the creator though, I believe it's always better to have more then one copy floating around, Good Luck

I hope you can produce some fine molds!
I will also pick one of these up to get exact measurements at the end of this month.
To the others who posted, I am aware I run the risk of breaking the actual stock, however considering how the actual stock is molded and it's thickness is much higher then that of the shelled away component aka (the stock button). In my opinion much like the guys at airbull did with theirs above, the White version. I would make the entire back a sold piece giving it more rigidity and strength kind of like my steel version.
For the record, I have two stocks, when my first one broke I did some testing on the slotted tongue. Its very strong, stronger then I think people give it credit. How much you ask? 40 LBS of force or a 20Kg weight I figure you still wouldn't believe me. So, I decided to take a photo a few minutes ago.
Steel beats Plastic in this case, promise. Yes, gun falling from a height of 4 feet on it's own because you forget to put the pin in the front guard. Perfectly fine!!

Gun falling and 180-145 pound person landing on it, probably not fine. However, I haven't had the issue of falling on my gun... Yet..