Originally Posted by Bandit50
I mean its Precision made, Hammer fit. Right? We can make the bearing have 0.00001" of tolerance and it still needs to be set in place with hammer. We also know that grease fits up to 0.0001" before its just smeared out of the way with a compound applicator, and any microscopic residue left behind will literally be burned by the heat of friction and do nothing.
Very nice restoration. I've helped my friend's dad out with 2 of his challengers and 2 cuda's. Tough work, sheet metal sucks to work with especially when you're making body panels from scratch lol
I just rebuilt a live tooling drive on a ~$300,000 lathe a few weeks ago. It uses all very high precision (and very expensive) bearings.
There's a science to where they're positioned, what type of bearing is used, how much and what kind of grease is used in the bearings, and especially how they're mounted.
You find it odd we hammer on high precision bearings, but there's no shock trauma to the races or balls when we tap a bearing onto a shaft. Especially if you're doing it right and heat the bearing to just slip it onto the shaft.
$4,000 worth of 9 bearings, you get one backwards, hammer one on an outside race when you should have hit the inside race, don't squish the angular bearings together just right, or use the wrong grease, and it's the difference between 8 years of trouble free running and a breakdown after just 2 weeks.
I know it's difficult to believe, but the grease really does circulate in the bearings, and too much grease will actually cause them to burn out faster.
Under normal operation, it doesn't get burned out unless something else has already failed. Most common in my industry is washout; a seal fails and machine coolant washes the grease out of the bearings and they eventually overheat from lack of lubricity and burn out.
All those big industrial lathes and milling machines mainly use grease packed bearings in their spindles. It's only when they do high rpm that they use constant flow air/oil lubrication.
And the higher precision/faster the bearing, the easier it is to wreck from mechanical shock. With 30,000rpm spindles, you crash that thing once and you need a new spindle.
Vehicles use tougher, low rpm bearings and the suspension takes a lot of the impact, that's why we don't have to replace wheel bearings every 2 weeks in winnipeg lol