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Old May 15th, 2014, 19:59   #8
Bellerophon's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: Guelph, On
Success! It looks like everything is working properly now after I
1. pried the trigger prongs into a better shape
2. lightly sanded a bit more off of the 2nd and 3rd piston teeth, where there was some slight wear
3. greased the sides of the tappet plate, after I noticed it was bone dry
4. added teflon tape to two points, the cylinder head and the end of the hop up unit where it meets the gearbox
5. adjusted the way the hop up rubber was sitting on the barrel, might try the dental floss trick later on

Thanks for the advice everybody! If I don't screw the damn thing up again, I'll be having a lot of fun with this.
Airsoft is where expensive things go to die.
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