Originally Posted by Matt 'Maverick' Watts
Friday was chilly, wet and rainy at the event in Joliet... i'm going to say mid 40's F... We got about 3000 rounds through it using 2000 psi of a 68 cu inch 4500 psi high pressure air tank.
To state again, you do NOT need an external regulator of any type for the Tippmann M4. The valving inside the gun is designed to regulate both CO2 and hpa for safe use of the marker.
If you want to use HPA, I would suggest looking at a 13cu inch 3000psi high pressure air tank and Ninja paintball's new thinline remote line. That would give you the smallest profile for the least cost.
How many shots can you get on a 13ci? That would be the best solution over a 68ci for sure.
Sounds like innovation with the valving. Didn't know that a valve can regulate air pressure.
Did you try a generic M4 magazine to confirm compatibility? Did you have a look at the hop up and barrel?