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Old July 7th, 2014, 15:15   #231
Treelinesniper's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Yellowknife, NT, Great White North
July 6th operation Booni freedom had a turn out of 6 people. Myself, Yellowman, Philkensebben, Soupreme, Mysticalhobo and Windows. As we arrived to the field we could hear thunder in the distance and a very dark rough looking cloud looming over top of us, and as we got most of our gear on and Windows arrived it started to rain lightly. After 3 mins of arguing who got the tarp from philkensebben's truck last time and who was going to get it this time it started to rain heavily. Jokes where made about forrest gump and rain big rain drops then Philkensebben ran to his truck as hail a bit smaller then a pee started to fall down with huge raindrops. We constucked a better make shift shelter then previous weeks and waited out the rain.

We started off with two games of Soup Nazi as usually. Then started trying to to play some assassin type games with a team of two trying to take out a balloon in a building from range well defenders waited inside for contacted well one defender was allowed to patrol, spot and make first contacted to compromise the attackers position. These games went fast and still require some changing and balancing. The last game we played was a retrieval game well two defenders try'd defend it against four attackers. Here is who won the first two games of Soup Nazi.
Winner of game: Team Name:
Bearsintheyukon - Doody Duty
Windows - Alpha

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