Originally Posted by theshaneler
I'm fairly sure there was a guy who modded his mags to use HPA, cost a shit ton of money, but it worked. Can't remember where i saw the mod, but i specifically remember wanting to do it, till i saw the price 
Tapping GBBR mags to use an external HPA source isn't terribly expensive compared to the cost of the GBBR, mags, HPA tank, regulator, etc. I don't think that's what you had in mind, but unfortunately gas-in-mag style setups using HPA are utterly infeasible, as air does not liquify like propane at pressures that are safe and managable for airsoft purposes. Unless you can find a way to cheat thermodynamics and liquify air at much lower-than usual pressure, without also having to chill your mags to well below freezing, HPA systems require an external tank with a regulator.
While I do think it'd be entertaining to see someone hauling all their mags around in a
Dewar flask, not so fun to see them risk an explosion whenever they leave a half filled mag to heat up to
Originally Posted by DrDoUm
I did not come across an HPA tank small enough to fit into a buffer tube yet, but I didn't look too much either. (edit: I might be unrealistic too)
The low shot count is a good point, but the question is how many? I wouldn't mind if it was as low as 300 shots through one tank if it was quick enough to swap and the tank would be cheap enough to buy 3-4 of them.
EDIT Something much more promising: I used to do air pistol target shooting, my friend's
Morini used a small under-barrel cylinder which could fit in a full stocked gun (though I doubt you could fit it in a buffer tube). You fill it by hand using (essentially) a fancy bicycle pump. They're good for 200 shots at roughly 3.6J/shot (5 grains at 495feet/s). assuming we're firing at 1J/shot that gets us roughly 720 shots. They're damn expensive though.