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Old August 3rd, 2014, 22:48   #238
Treelinesniper's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Yellowknife, NT, Great White North

August 3rd game had 9 people show up, But Frozen Tex came out for his first time this season! Myself, Philkensebben, Frozen Tex, Mysticalhobo, Soupreme, Voldara, Marnius, Young Warrior and Yellowman. It is still super smoky due to the 200+ forest fires in the NWT. It did not clear up like the previous week, so you will be able to see the smoke in the pictures we have taken.

Here are two pictures I took on my way to my house in the morning before leaving to play. they are in the same spot I took the previous ones.

We played three games of Soup Nazi and one game of Kill Teams with a balloon guarded by each team. Myself, Philkensebben, Soupreme and Marnius won the Kill Team by two suicide runs by Myself and Philkensebben.
Winner of game: Team Name: Weapons Used:
Yellowman - Blue - G&G Black Max MP5 SD / kwa USP 45
Soupreme - Discovery Channel - HK 416 Custom / kwa USP 45 Compact
Marnius - Knight Pandas - Cyma aks 74 / kwa 1911a1

We took a group photo after we finished using yellowmans cannon rebel

And more Pictures! Taken from screenshots using my Gro Pro Hero 3+ and Yellowman's Cannon Rebel

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