Thread: AKstravaganza!
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Old October 17th, 2014, 11:59   #819
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Originally Posted by MooseHead92 View Post
Realsteel covers don't work on airsoft AEG's as far as I know. The lowers are about 1cm longer than realsteel in order to fit in the V3 box - there is no other way to do it without messing up the receiver's proportions to a point where it's visually noticeable.

Your best bet is an LCT top cover (PK-213 if I'm not mistaken) with a custom made rear sight. Or you can spend $60+ to import a TWS peep sight.

I want to try and hack up 416 rear sight and put it on there. Ideally, the future will see me chop off my 105's front sight, put a Krebs Saiga RIS on, and slap on some 416 sights or Troys.
Ah, well that's news to me. Never had to replace a top cover, but good to know. Still, I was assuming it'd be a GBBR build as you'd have difficulty mounting the Magpul MOE grip and an AR side folding stock on an AEG (not sure if the Hephaestus one fits AEGs, it might).

+1 on the LCT cover then, they're easy enough to get and mod. This might help, I had this bookmarked for a build idea.

Why not pick up a surplus G3/HK91 rear sight? They're cheap ($10-15) pretty similar to 416 (heck they're pretty much the same thing) and easy enough to install on an AK dust cover. If you google a bit you'll find a couple of guides as well.
Just your friendly neighborhood narcissist gearwhore.
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