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Old November 11th, 2014, 01:56   #1
Red Dot
Google level: BOSS
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Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Stouffville, Ontario
Resting in a long game tips requested

This is aimed for the seasoned/miltary folks around here... how are you guys resting on the airsoft field?

Might sound stupid but I totally crashed a couple of months ago at OP Operator 2 7-hours into the 16 for the event and have been on a mission to educate myself so I never do that again.

My main culprits I believe were dehydration, lack of rest and blurred vision (no glasses with my eye pro). The one I'm having trouble to work around is a rest schedule.

When you guys are resting in the continous 12+ hour games do you head for a tent or just grab a spot in the field? I'm finding it difficult to know what to do and how to prepare equipment-wise for it. I think I'm going to implement Mckee's advice from another post by doing 30 min of rest per 4 hours of activity to start to train me to pace myself and not burn out, definitely open to suggestions from those of you who live off these long games.
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