You don't understand do you? By being declared 'firearms' they fall into a very different category than the previously 'grey areas' that we have been used to, and the interpretation and enforcement of firearms law in this country is very strict. Where there used to be ambiguity and officer discretion for a bb gun on the way to a game, with firearms it's far more rigid and harsh. And I'm not talking about the obviously stupid and dangerous behaviour, I'm talking about basic things like storage, transport, magazine limits, pointing, zoning..
I really really hope that you guys are right and that this is nothing. But it sure don't sound like nothing. But I do hope that in fact nothing changes for us. Fingers crossed. As Solomon Freidman a firearms law expert and lawyer, said on TV the other day; lock up your airsoft guns, transport them like real guns, cross every T and dot every I because there is no previous case law for being charged with a regulatory firearms offence over an airsoft gun yet so who knows what will happen going forward.