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Old November 24th, 2014, 17:14   #167
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: North Delta, BC (Greater Vancouver)
Who gives a shit about one court case, or his opinion. Do you need a PAL to own, operate or purchase and airsoft gun? How about importing or modifying? Are 30 round AR mags sold in Canada? Is it on the owner to buy a gun with too short of a barrel and then Lengthen it himself? Are airsoft guns designed to kill, or to be shot at living targets in a sports setting safely? We don't need to continually link to legislation that has been gone over and over. I'm sorry but the horse corpse is mush by now. Airsoft was legalized by the government with the specific intent of being able to own, transport and shoot at each other without the restrictions of firearms laws, unless in the event of a crime. Not a crime involving a firearm, a crime involving an airsoft gun. And why? Because when airsoft became a thing in Canada, and under the current wording and classification of our firearms laws, they were either illegal for one reason or another, or fell into grey mud. That's what he's reading, the same crap that we were moved away from so we could exist, and he's refusing to see that that's why things are different. It's been explained and showcased to him in ways a four year old would get, which means he's either a troll or suffers from a mental challenge, either IQ or disability based. It doesn't matter anymore though, I still have my guns, I can still shoot my friends legally, and he's still legally entitles to his stupid opinion. It just doesn't have an effect on the world.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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