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Old January 28th, 2015, 18:21   #1528
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: North Delta, BC (Greater Vancouver)
Yeesh! I don't think I'd want to get hit with a drone, but from most of the ones I've seen, they don't appear to be unreasonably dangerous. I have attended several games that had large vehicles ripping around, charges buried, rocket launchers shooting footballs at mach-chicken, buildings and structures that were very high, cliffs and other terrain issues, severed darkness, and of course large predatory wildlife in the area. No, drones don't really scare me, it's not like the sky is full of them, it's just one here or there. Major mud and water hazards, weather conditions, trees falling over, the list goes on. Perhaps there are drones out there I haven't seen yet. The one my buddy had was reasonably big with four props, and although I wouldn't want to be hit in the head with it, I couldn't compare it to a brick, and the props wouldn't slice me up as it fell. I'm pretty sure a finger could stop a prop on one of those, might hurt, but it wouldn't chop it off.

On the note of ankle support, at our old fields, 6" ankle support was a minimum requirement, second safety gear only to eyewear.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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