To the best of my knowledge we do NOT fall under the same laws for storage but all my gear is stored in a locked room in the basement with the window covered because 1. I have small kids, 2. because I don't want anyone seeing them and thinking I'd make a good target for a B&E. Bit ambiguous....
These air guns are exempt from the specific safe storage, transportation and handling requirements set out in the regulations supporting the Firearms Act. However, the Criminal Code requires that reasonable precautions be taken to use, carry, handle, store, transport, and shipped them in a safe and secure manner.
Similar story to siggypoo, buddy of mine came home to actually interrupt a break in at his place.... he called the cops, they came over to do an investigation. Nothing was taken and his airsoft stuff is stored/displayed in the open, no locks, not behind locked doors and the cops said he should probably hide them better then left it at that.
Last edited by waylander; April 22nd, 2015 at 14:53..