QKLee11 posted this before:
"You have to get your AEG, GBBR and GBB Y38. This is a green form (big as a card) which is obtainable at a CSBA Office. Do not use the one at 1 Front Street, they no longer Y 38 any Firearms (whether Real Steel, Airsoft and Replica's etc anymore, any type of Fire Arm is no longer allowed in 1 Front St anymore for Y 38.
Go to Pearson Airport Terminal 3, the Office can be found at the end of the Terminal. Just went there today, "The Service was totally outstanding, the CSBA Officer knew the rules and was willing to do it right away"...however I left my Guns out in the Parking lot with my Rifle Case locked in my Jeep (just a precautionary, didn't want to be walking around an Airport with a Systema, KWA M 4 and 2 KWA GBB pistols in a RIFLE CASE for all to see, plus I didn't know where the Office was at lol). James and I were in out in a matter of 10 minutes (had a converstion with the CSBA Officer.).
Just leave your AEG's/GBBR/GBB Locked in your vehicle in a case or bag (James brought his brand new in Box in). Then go to CSBA Office, tell them what you need, a Y 38 to transfer your Airsoft Weapons to the USA. Once confirmed, go get them and bring them in. Gives them a bit of warning that your coming in with guns, then again your in an International Airport, go figure that out.
Guardians of Asgaard - KF25 -
Primaries: LCT AK74MN w/SKTBR, VFC M4 SOPMOD Block 2
Secondary: Latino heat, TM Glock 17