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Old July 9th, 2015, 01:41   #60
Deejay2401's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Oshawa, Ontario
Honestly, with everyone saying to just get a real steel firearm instead of airsoft, I'd agree, but wouldn't put you down for going for airsoft first or instead of. It's not going to necessarily translate into usable experience with an issued firearm, but even so, you can teach yourself to treat it like a real firearm. Always store it properly, keep it unloaded, treat it like it's loaded all the time, and never point it at anyone (unless you're at a game, of course!)

I like playing with airsoft instead of real steel. Safer to play with when you're inexperienced.
Current collection:
KJW SIG P226R -- WE 1911 Punisher -- KSC USP Tactical -- KWA USP Compact
KWA MP7A1 -- WE M4A1 -- WE KAC PDW -- WE G39K
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