Thread: AKstravaganza!
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Old August 11th, 2015, 18:45   #949
Join Date: Apr 2015
Location: Toronto
GHK AKMN w/ (butchered) Druganov scope

ok, tired of waiting for the perfect natural light, and the linseed oil rub finish on the wood has finally cured; I couldn't stand that poly finish, its like a candy coating. I wanted something more natural... I'll have to get a proper PSO scope for AK mount, not this el-cheapo Druganov one I modded to make fit... looks cool though. Most of the mods you can't really see from looking at it, but heres what I've done it it so far:

Wood stripped and refinished in lineseed oil
Bolt Carrier sanded down for a vintage look
Hephaestus tactical selector (which didn't really fit properly and needed modding)
Steel Outter Barrel
Fork Style Muzzle Break (makes a nice metallic sound when firing, may change this to an ak74 style though)
Bakelite grip w/ fiber gasket to keep it from moving around
Hephaestus steel sear and firing pin
Hephaestus Hard recoil kit and Simulated Spring
Prowin Aluminum Hop-up Chamber
FG Airsoft Adjustable flow nozzle

It was cycling a little slow with the hard recoil kit and spring, so I shortened the length of the bolt travel by putting a fat rubber foot on the recoil buffer, for some reason it almost feels like it has more recoil now and is quite snappy. I also found that the steel mag release has a really sharp edge that cuts into the Magazines soft zinc shell, so I put a little dab of jb weld on there and filed it down because the mags for this thing are bloody expensive. They fit much more snug now and the entire gun feels like one solid piece and is pretty heavy, but thats how I wanted it.
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