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Old September 12th, 2015, 00:17   #3
Brengun's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: GTA, Ontario
I can attest to this -or at least the latter part of his comment.

Without any trace of hyperbole, I can say that this gun is the weight of a dying sun... Rossco shows up to the field with his ebr towed on a specially designed trailer in order to handle its extreme weight. On game days (again, absolutely no hyperbole), its a bit like watching Thor casually tossing his hammer (Mjolnir) around. He carries 3 cinder-blocks in a back pack, just to counter balance the weight.

The advantage for Rossco, of course, is that he doesn't have to carry it very far. His EBR is like some kind of man-portable howitzer, which can hit an object (coincidentally the same size and shape as that bit not covered by your body armour / clothing) from the parking lot. It doesn't even matter where the parking lot is! He is usually so far away that you don't even hear the shots

But seriously: a bit heavy, but it looks awesome and has great range when properly tuned. I usually try to end up on Rosco's team, mainly out of fear.

Originally Posted by Rossco66 View Post
The only way you will break it is if you do zero research into how to pull the gearbox out of the receiver. Pulling it out on an angle and reinserting the same way without forcing anything will be a recipe for never breaking the cage.

It is a very simple procedure and you need to f it up to break something. Look at any You Tube video om the disassembly process before you begin to break the gun down.

This is a very strong piece of Airsoft kit and I would highly recommend it. You need to be prepared to carry it though. With a scope it is more than twice as heavy as my VFC M4 with an acog attached to it. If you are not of larger stature or are a complete stranger to a gym, you may want to ensure that you can deal with the heft of it during a full game before you buy it because it is not on the cheap side.
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