here for the review. These are my impressions gaming this toy.
Bullpup triggers are known to be shit. Well be prepared for the worst trigger in your life. It was so heavy in semi mode that I had difficulty going through a single full mag. And that's with my rock climbing tempered forearms.
Another issue I had was trigger mechanism was not returning fully during semi fire so I could still do full auto but semi wouldn't work at times.
Good news are that adding a spacer between the trigger and the bar that engages the trigger mechanism made the semi pull about 4 times lighter and therefore completely reasonable. Greasing the trigger box fixed the not returning fully issue, though be sure to use grease and not just silicone oil.
Basically this came down to loose tolerances WE has for manufacturing this gun when the mechanism requires a tighter fit..
Update: Gotta clean and magic-lube the trigger mech at least once a season or it will get stuck on you eventually.
The gas capacity is good. The feeding is also good with one note. I already mentioned tolerance issues with the trigger. There are also tolerance issues with mag feed button. Just so happens that if you don't press hard enough on the mag feed release lever the mag just won't feed.
Out of the box all 3 of my mags were failing to feed beyond 25 rounds due to the pin that is supposed to push this lever being too short. Issue solved by gluing on a thin metal plate. A different problem now is that when taking out a mag that is mostly full a round usually jumps out. That extra that I grew the pin is enough to allow the BB to move out slightly more and the spring does the rest, I'll do some filing later to see if I can fix this.
Again looks like the design requires tolerances beyond WE manufacturing capabilities.
Update: The stock o-ring on the mag release valve has started leaking on all of my mags, no problems after replacing this so I guess the stock material is shit. The fill side mag end also started leaking, not unexpected, rtv silicone ftw. Also had to silicone the internal reservoir.
I like bullpups, I like the way P90 looks and feels, and I like hacking with things therefore I like it. Whether this is a gun for you depends on how good you are with your hands, don't expect a solid performer out of the box, though I wouldn't be surprised to find out I just got really unlucky with my tolerances and it performs better stock on average.