Originally Posted by mr_nuts31
I have a serpa for each sidearm I own except for my FNX 45 since they don't make one for it. Might be a little bit expensive having a separate holster for each one, but they work great and hasn't let me down. Just make sure to practice your draw once you get your hands on a serpa since they still have a bit of a break in period and to avoid the infamous serpa shooting yourself problem.
always worth it imo to have a hardshell holster for every pistol you're going to run... reason being is that the hard shell will protect those guns who have the mag release on the side. Soft holsters move and when you run the bumping around will knock the mag release and drop your mag. 1-2 mags depending on your gun = 1 real steel serpa with mounting hardware.
CQC is reasonably cheap. If you want to run the leg platform and have everal pistols you can get the qd ring setup and have several cqc holsters for your pistol. It becomes cheaper the more pistols you own. The l2 leg rig and holster runs 100$ or so.
Also I have yet to accidentally shoot myself in the foot with a serpa... I have yet to figure out how some people manage this.