Thread: SAW Purchase
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Old December 14th, 2015, 23:58   #5
silent_lemon's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: North Vancouver, BC
Originally Posted by R.I.T.Z View Post
M249, can run m4 mags.
Classic army or bust.

and if you really wanna have fun HPA it
this here, i have a A&K PKM waiting for HPA because the whining is getting tiresome; not quite as bad as not being able to hear people call hits over the ol`TOP m60e3 i had years ago, just plain dangerously loud. Also - feed tray? HA, *shake, shake, shake*"cmooonnnnn" *shake, shake, shake*

i have a coveted daytonagun generic m249 shell that's super fun to use, still loud though, all part of the fun with none of the set backs of older loud guns, and in a small package for a SAW. CA is going to be your best bet for the money.

theyre expensive, and heavy..sure $500 from the store is cheap but it quickly adds up, like owning a premium car or truck. If this is his first gun, you can get by with a box mag or hicap and some longevity upgrades in a normal AEG, unless youre going for the fluff and fun-aspect of using a SAW, get a normal rifle first, with a homemade servo driven hicap boxmag or storebought boxmag/c mag.

i dont want to be a negative ninny, but ive seen lots of people buy into the sniper or saw position and quickly sell out for something more average. :banghead:

Last edited by silent_lemon; December 15th, 2015 at 00:02..
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