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Old January 26th, 2016, 19:30   #68
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Location: Markham
There isn't a lot of context on this one; don't be too quick to jump to conclusions. The SC one clearly has malicious intent; it's possible this one is consensual either as a parody or a game mode. I remember a while ago, there were videos like this one and people were flaming the guy. Turns out it was a Gorilla game mode (ie, shoot them until they can't take it anymore and call themselves out) and all parties involved consented to it. Innocent until proven guilty; mob lynching (over the internet too) of an innocent is never a good thing. Granted, if this was one of those "IT'S JUST A PRANK BRO" things or a non-consensual parody/copycat, then yeah, foxtrot-uniform-charlie-kilo the guy doing it.
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