Alright I figure this is probably the best place on this website to ask this question.
I've been humming and hawing about what I want to purchase for my main weapon for almost a year now.
One of my major gun lusts in an MP5, although I don't have to explain why to you guys. The VFC MP5A3 looks ideal, the major draw for me being the C02 mags. I love having the option to use C02 and from what I've gathered these things seem to run a little sluggish on Green/Propane/Top gas.
However I see nothing but condemnation for these guns online, people seem to recommend going with the WE Apache. I understand that the first two generations of these guns were a little spotty in terms of quality.
If I was to buy a VFC MP5A3 brand new in 2016 how will it fare out of the box compared to the earlier generations? Do the new generations need a ton of upgrades out of the box?
Why is the WE Apache so heavily preferred by many online communities? Not really having a C02 mag option sidelines the gun for me.
Last edited by EuroTrash; January 31st, 2016 at 21:22..